For companies defined as a small business (Gross receipts less than $18 million in most cases) the annual renewal fee
will be $395 for one year, $675 for 2 years or $1,000 for 3 years. (you will be contacted if your business does not
fall in the small business category and will therefore incur a higher regulatory fee).
To print out the application and fax or mail it,
click here.
All application fees include federal registration fee due. Haz mat registration year runs from July 1 thru June 30
of the following year. Fees are not prorated. If you have transported any placarded loads or will transport any placarded
loads you must register. Be sure you check the proper registration year below.
Secure Haz Mat Certificate and Fax
Standard and 1 Hour Rush* Service Available
* During normal business hours only. If we are unable to secure your Haz Mat Certificate within 1 hour, our
Standard Service fee will apply.